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Cyber Security

Don't get caught out, bring your frontline teams up to speed today.

We live in an era of cyber insecurity and attacks are common, be it malware, viruses or hacking. But the reality is most events happen because of the action employees take. Most people have yet to consider their digital safety (especially at work) in the same way that they consider their personal safety. People wouldn’t leave their wallets or personal belongings lying around in a public space, but have almost definitely clicked on a link that didn’t seem totally safe or downloaded something from an unknown source.


These four courses cover the essentials of Cyber Security and are availabe individually or as a set.


Click the arrows to the left of the module titles to find out more.

1 Understanding Cyber Security

Learn some simple rules you can follow to avoid being an easy target. Cyber security is about getting the basics right and this course will show you how.

  • Trailer: ‘start with the why’
  • How to Keep a Clean Machine
  • Phishing & Social Engineering
  • The Signs of an Infected Machine

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2 Data Protection

This online data protection course is designed to help businesses and individuals comply with the essential principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

The course explains what is expected of people who handle personal data, including information on how to keep data secure, what to do if data is lost and how to handle subject access requests. Topics include:

  • Introduction - background of data protection, key definitions from the Data Protection Act.
  • The Eight Principles of Data Protection – an explanation of each of the eight principles of the Data Protection Act.
  • Exemptions – details who is except from the Data Protection Act.

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3 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)

Learn the basics of the PCI security standards and how to comply with them.

  • What is PCI DSS and who needs to comply?
  • Resonsibilities and vulnerabilities
  • PCI DSS goals and requirements
  • Card transaction risks
  • Protecting customer data while transferring information
  • Taking payments over the phone
  • Keeping F2F payments secure

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4 Social Media Awareness

Learn how to make the right choices and help you understand how a social media policy can protect you

  • Introduction; What is Social Media
  • Social Media statistics
  • Purpose of a Social Media Policy
  • 10 important rules to stay safe

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