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Brand New Compliance Courses

Brand New Compliance Courses



CPR Essentials

Course Overview

This course has been Approved by RoSPA.  CPR E-Learning is a 40 minute course which provides the core theoretical knowledge needed to perform Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). It is designed to accompany a practical demonstration of CPR or to be used as a refresher training course.

Course Objectives

In this training course employees will learn:

  • When CPR is necessary
  • How to assess a casualty
  • Basic CPR techniques
  • The steps involved in the Recovery Position
  • What details to include in an emergency call


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Hazardous Substances (COSHH)

Course Overview

This course has been Approved by RoSPA

Hazardous Substances (COSHH) is a 25 minute course that provides an overview of what hazardous substances are and how to work safely with them.  Communicate preventative and control measures in order to avoid harmful exposure. (This course has just been updated to include the new international COSHH symbols. The course shows the old symbols and compares them to how the new symbols look ensuring that the trainee understands the meaning of the new symbols.)

Course Objectives

Organisations and employees will benefit from an increased awareness of the following:

  • What a hazardous substance is and the different forms it can appear as
  • The potential health hazards associated with certain hazardous substances
  • How to avoid harmful exposure and work safely with hazardous substances
  • COSHH E-Learning is a fully editable course, so you can add your own policies and procedures if required


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Fire Wardens

Course Overview

This course has been Approved by RoSPA.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that the employer or owner as the 'responsible' person has overall responsibility for fire safety in their premises but may appoint 'competent' persons such as Fire Wardens to assist in ensuring adequate fire safety procedures are implemented. The Regulatory Order also requires that where persons are appointed to assist that they be provided with suitable training. Assistance may take the form of participating in the fire risk assessment and the subsequent development of an emergency plan. Fire wardens are then normally designated the responsibility of executing the emergency plan during a fire emergency.

Course Objectives

In this training course employees will learn:

  • The responsibilities and the importance of the role of Fire Warden
  • How to carry out the responsibilities of a Fire Warden
  • The different causes of workplace fires and what can be done to prevent these fires occurring
  • How to assist in the evacuation of a building
  • How to use a fire extinguisher


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Data Protection

Course Overview

Data Protection is a 25 minute course that provides employees with essential training on how the Data Protection Act 1998 relates to them and the work they do. The course covers the eight principles of the Act that determine how data should be collected, handled and stored and how these principles apply in practice.

Course Objectives

In this training course employees will learn:

  • The eight principles of the Data Protection Act and how they apply in practice
  • What their specific responsibilities are under the Act
  • What the term 'Personal Information' covers
  • The importance of handling personal information responsibly and the consequences to individuals whose personal information is not handled responsibly
  • The rights of individuals whose data they hold and handle


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Legionella Awareness

Course Overview

Cases of Legionnaires’ disease, caused by legionella bacteria, are fortunately rare. However, when they occur, they can be fatal to vulnerable people and expensive to organisations and to individual managers.

To meet your obligations under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002), the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) and the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) you need to have assessed the risk from your water systems, including hot and cold water, evaporative cooling and other plant such as vehicle washers and irrigation equipment. You need to have a written scheme which describes what competent people are doing to manage the risks. Even if someone is tasked with simply running the taps once a week, they should understand why this could be a vital part of keeping people safe.

This course outlines typical water management tasks, and helps employees understand why each task is important. As well as looking at what happens when organisations do not safely manage their water systems, employees will be shown how the jobs they have been asked to do will break the chain of events that can lead to a death from Legionnaires’ disease.

Course Objectives

In this training course employees will learn:

  • About the conditions which encourage legionella bacteria growth and its impact on human health
  • About different types of water systems and typical water management tasks
  • About the importance of recording water management tasks in a site diary
  • When to seek advice

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