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Conflict Handling
TYPE Online Course
DURATION 20 minutes
PRICE £15.00
DESCRIPTION This module defines conflict, explores how it occurs and highlights the effects of conflict. It also delves into how to handle conflict to ensure that you can turn conflict into a force for good and not bad.



Most people will naturally try to avoid conflict and confrontation because they fear damaging relationships or getting hurt. However, being able to deal and defuse such events is an extremely valuable skill for all staff.

This training course defines conflict, explores how it occurs and highlights its potential effects. It also explores how to handle conflict effectively to ensure that it becomes a force for good.

Target Staff

This course is suitable for all staff with benefits for both internal business relationships and those with customers and suppliers.

Who is it for?

  • All staff
  • Particularly beneficial for team leaders and managers
  • Ideal for those handling relations over the phone or face to face

20 Minutes of Training

What you'll learn

  • How to recognise conflict and its escalation curve
  • The negative effects of unresolved conflict
  • The primary causes of conflict and isolating the real issue
  • Do’s & Don’ts for handling conflict




Course Benefits

This 20 minute training course will enable staff to identify conflict and how unchecked emotions will escalate the situation. It provides staff with good practise guides on how to handle areas of conflict.

The business will benefit from staff that are able to handle conflict swiftly with a proactive approach, avoiding the need for interventions or disputes becoming long-term and increasingly toxic.

Phone: +44 (0)330 024 2881
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