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Disciplinary and grievance procedures
TYPE Online Course
DURATION 35 minutes

The EssentialSkillz Disciplinary and Grievance training covers the importance of disciplinary and grievance procedures in the workplace. Managing poor conduct or below-par job performance can be a difficult task, but it is a necessary one. Without it, a workplace is unlikely to operate efficiently and employees can become disengaged. Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures help to achieve acceptable standards of performance and behaviour in the workplace. Employees need to know what standards are expected and the steps that will be taken if these expectations are not met. The Disciplinary training outlines what constitutes gross misconduct and grounds for dismissal, the different stages within a disciplinary procedure and the range of actions that can be taken. The online course covers how an employee can raise a concern regarding their work or workload, working conditions or relationships with colleagues and how concerns will be dealt with in a fair and consistent manner. An employee’s rights, both for representation and to appeal disciplinary action taken are covered.

Course Objectives

  • To give examples of disciplinary and grievance matters in the workplace.
  • To explain the importance of fair and reasonable behaviour in dealing with disciplinary and grievance issues.
  • To outline the organisation’s approach to dealing with disciplinary and grievance issues in the workplace.


On successful completion of the test you can download and print a certificate.


You are required to take a final test consisting of 10 questions. The pass mark is 70%

Target Audience

This course is suitable for all employees including management so that everyone knows what standards of behaviour are expected, how to raise a concern and how disciplinary and grievance issues are dealt with.

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