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Handling Customer Complaints
TYPE Online Course
DURATION 20 minutes
PRICE £15.00

Handling Customer Complaints


This training course teaches how to handle and solve any complaints you receive. Complaints are inherent to every business, and it’s essential that you know how to handle them well, whether they are received over the phone, via email, on social media, or made in person. This 20 minute course will give you the skills you need to handle complaints appropriately and resolve them successfully.

Target Staff

This course is most suitable for anybody who deals with customers, whether directly or indirectly within your business. However, the same skills can help resolve departmental conflicts and therefore create a more productive and harmonious working environment.

Who is it for?

  • Sales, yard, warehouse and office staff
  • Anyone involved in the resolution of complaints
  • Those dealing with customers and suppliers

What you'll learn

  • Why complaints occur and their business impact
  • How to positively receive complaints
  • A 4-step handling process
  • The use of escalation processes and authority levels
  • The positive opportunities complaints can provide
  • How to address the root causes of complaints
  • How to build robust processes to avoid complaints

Course Benefits

Surveys suggest that up to 96% of dissatisfied customers do not complain, they just take their business elsewhere! This concise 20 minute training course will help staff to approach customer complaints as an opportunity to demonstrate exceptional customer care, regarding them as constructive feedback through which business processes can be improved. Learners will have the confidence to use an easy to follow 4-step approach to handling complaints and will understand when escalation processes need to be applied.

The business will benefit from positive pro-active staff who can handle complaints effectively and use the experience to suggest process improvements, thus reducing further unhappy customers.

Phone: +44 (0)330 024 2881
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