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Understanding Cyber Security
TYPE Online Course
DURATION 10 minutes
DESCRIPTION Advances in technology have changed the way we live, and the way we do business. Our world is more connected than ever before. This brings huge opportunities and benefits, but it also brings risks.


We live in an era of cyber in-security and attacks are common, be it malware, viruses or hacking. But the reality is most events happen because of the action employees take.

Most people have yet to consider their digital safety (especially at work) in the same way that they consider their personal safety. People wouldn’t leave their wallets or personal belongings lying around in a public space, but have almost definitely clicked on a link that didn’t seem totally safe or downloaded something from an unknown source.

The good news is there are simple rules you employees can follow to avoid being an easy target. Cyber security is about getting the basics right and this course will show people how.


The course is divided into five accessible, interactive modules and includes an assessment at the end:

  • "Start with the why" - This engaging trailer will drive your engagement and interest in the subject.
  • Keep a Clean Machine – Dangers associated with USB drives and un-licenced software.
  • Password Practices – The importance of strong passwords and advice on how to create one.
  • Phishing & Social Engineering – How cyber criminals target employees to attain sensitive information through e-mail, social media and websites.
  • The Signs of an Infected Machine – No two cyber-attacks are the same but there are tell-tale signs that employees need to look out for.


This course is suitable for all employees who use computers at work. Cyber-attacks can happen to any business or individual that uses or holds personal data and there can be severe penalties if the legislation is not adhered to.


This is an exciting bite sized animated explainer video with characterful voice over. The course is interactive providing you with fun challenges to ensure you retain the key learning objectives along with an assessment at the end.

Litmos Heroes
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